Author: Céline

  /  Articles posted by Céline

France's Sweetest Christmas Tradition As soon as the Galette des Rois is placed on tables around France the excitement builds. Who will slide under the table and who will wear the crown? The goal of the game, of course, is to find the fève (or bean, the hidden

 Photo Courtesy of Benoît PitreWhat You Need To Know Before Wedding Dress Shopping In Paris When it comes to wedding dress shopping, every bride has dreams of finding that perfect gown that makes her feel like a princess. Paris, the city not only of love but also fashion,

  Photo Courtesy of Terres de CaféInterview with Pierre de Chantérac (French Barista Champion)Recently, we were able to stop by one of Terres de Café’s many locations in Paris and chat with the head barista, Pierre de Chantérac. Terres de Café offers a unique spin on the world

Interview with a Professional Versailles Tour Guide  Last month, the Céline Concierge team had the exciting opportunity to go on an exclusive tour of the Palace of Versailles with our friend, Boris*. Boris is a professional licensed tour guide all across France, but his heart lies with Versailles

  Interview with Nikki Wang from TheWaysBeyond  Nikki Wang is one of the founders of TheWaysBeyond, a Concept-Store of Cultural Activities for the Curious Minds featured in our up-and-coming ebook, The Ultimate Paris Survival Guide. We sat down with her to talk about all things Parisian! We wanted to interview Nikki

Our Top Reasons To Love Paris (by the Céline Concierge team)    By now you’re probably getting to know the Céline Concierge team a little bit, and I’m sure you can guess what brought us all together! That’s right, our love of Paris! Even though we are all from different places

An Expat’s First-Hand Experience of Renting in Paris for Long-Term Housing (by Elesha Casimir)     Elesha is one of the fellow Paris concierges with us over at Céline Concierge. We’re excited for her to write this guest blog post about her experience renting an apartment in Paris. We

Disclaimer: As COVID regulations and guidelines are rapidly changing in France, please note that these instructions may or may not be valid at the time of reading this. This procedure applies to French residents and citizens who may have been vaccinated abroad who are living in France

Paris' Best Parks and Gardens to Visit on Your Next Trip Paris may seem like a concrete jungle, but there are many more green spaces than the city reveals at first glance. Did you know that it has over 500 green spaces for you to stroll through and

5 Love Languages of the French The French are champions of love and are not ashamed to express it either. They do so with words, with customs and traditions that can help us all learn to love a little better. If you’re a fellow francophile and want to know